About Me
After years of fashion photography, she has become a well known expert and travel around the world.
She also directed photo reports for Paris Match and photographed personalities such as Emmanuelle Seigner , Etienne Daho, Vanessa Paradis, Isabelle Adjani, Virginie Ledoyen, Vincent Cassel, Isabelle Huppert, Louise Bourgoin and many others.
Frederique Veysset is also co-writer of « Paris street style: A guide to effortless chic » published by « Editions de La Martinière », translated into 18 languages and sold more than 200,000 copies. She has just co-signed with Valérie de Saint Pierre, a journalist of Madame Figaro magazine, « Ze French do it better: the perfect Frenchy manual » at Flammarion, which has been released in France, the UK, the USA and Australia.
Parisienne , Frédérique Veysset a travaillé pour les plus grands magazines de mode internationaux. Elle a aussi réalisé des reportages pour Paris Match et photographié de nombreuses personnalités comme Emmanuelle Seigner, Etienne Daho, Vanessa Paradis, Isabelle Adjani, Virginie Ledoyen, Vincent Cassel, Isabelle Huppert ou encore Louise Bourgoin.
Elle est aussi co-auteur, de « Paris street style: A guide to effortless chic » paru aux Editions de La Martinière , traduit en 18 langues et vendu à plus de 200 000 exemplaires. Elle vient de co-signer avec Valérie de Saint Pierre, journaliste au Madame Figaro, » Ze French do it better: le manuel du Frenchy parfait » chez Flammarion , qui est sorti en France , en GB, aux USA et en Australie.
My favorites quotes

Frederique Veysset Fashion Photographer Paris
Areas of Expertise
I am a people person, I make them talk and I laugh with them.
That’s why I have a good feeling with VIP and models. I love looking at them and analysing every thing.